Monday, May 7, 2007

Washington DC

Well, as I said in my last posts, I'll be traveling again soon, and soon enough has arrived. I find myself in our great nation's capital, Washington DC. What could I possibly comment on so soon? Hmm... how about the state of affairs of US AIRWAYS. First, let me say, holy crap.. not so good. I arrived at the airport, expecting my flight to leave at 5:55, so in true form, I get there about an hour and a half early. It's always been my mantra to arrive early at airports, so that there is no chance of missing the plane. I guess I should have known better. No clue is given to me at the check in of the status of my flight, other then a smile and a "enjoy!" So, I get to the gate, and my ticket that was just printed reads 5:55, and the projected take off time is.... 8:30. I ask the lady at the desk, and she assures me that there is a small delay, and that time will change back to something closer to the ticket time. I should have just left and come back in a few hours. I decided to wait it out.. of course, it did change to an earlier time... 7:50. so, it's hard to say, if I had left and come back, I probably would have missed it, but according to the irate man in line, you had to wait, because US AIRWAYS is well known for just cancelling a flight, and that I should just wait for that to happen. He explained to everyone in listening range about his experiences with the airline in great detail, and finally wore himself out, and sat red faced to wait with the rest of us for the next 3 hours. So of course I finally get to the reagan airport, and I miss the first hotel shuttle. The second one arrives, and I manage to get on board and make it to the hotel around 11pm. What a trip.

As far as my hotel goes, I like it quite a bit so far. The view sucks, but that's okay, because the bed is comfortable, and really, that's the most important thing. One complaint... I have to pay $10 a day for internet service... what sort of racket is this!? I guess I haven't traveled enough if I'm surprised by this, but that was one thing that Moline did infact have was a wonderfully powerful "g" wi fi. I'm paying for a decent signal "b" which just thinking about it upsets me.

Anyway, that's weak. I ordered roomservice this morning, and so far it hasn't arrived, and I'm starting to get nervous, and the operator assured me that it would be up in a short 15 to 20 minutes, which has already passed. I still have quite a bit of time before I have to be at my class, but I like to have wide open blocks of time to fiddle fart around. Oh well. So, I might not be posting quite every day due to the costs involved in doing so.. but figure on a few more, since I doubt I can really go that long with out checking my email.


Anonymous said...

That must have been a whole lot of fun with the amount of Mint Julep residuals running through your system.

Snax said...

yeah. I felt the pain for a while. Luckily, I got plenty of sleep derby night, since I was asleep by 10pm heh.