Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Morning madness.

Now, while I have had a continuing wonderful experience at my hotel, the Double Tree Crystal City, I did have a bad go of things at breakfast. I woke up early yesterday, and as I suspected, I beat the rush to the restuarant, so that I could sit and order in realitive peace. My waitress brings me my menu, and I ask her for a glass of orange juice, and then I ask her about a few items on the menu. She responds to my questions about menu items by stating, "We have a buffet. it's $14." and then she left and got me my juice. Well, I didn't want the buffet, so I ordered of the menu, and I got a heavy sigh from the waitress. She shook her head as she walked off, obviously upset that I didn't get the buffet. 1/2 an hour later she, had never returned to my section, but had cast several displeased looks to my area (of which I was the only occupant). 15 minutes later she brought two other people to my section, and brought them drinks, and left me again. They got the buffet... My juice cup had been empty by this point for well over half an hour, and since I had not been brought any water, I wandered around the restuarant to try and find some juice. I finally saw a jug sitting in a server area, and made my way back there and starting pouring myself a glass. This got her attention, and she rushed over to me, "Can I help you?!" my response, "I'm not sure, I haven't had much luck yet. I see this is where you keep the orange juice, if I want more should I just come back here and get it?" She was obviously upset at this point and responded, "I will bring it to you." I nodded and told her, "oh I see, well that would be wonderful."

I wasn't trying to be a jerk, but damn, this woman had maybe three tables total, of which two had the buffet. It's not like this would be a hard set up. I waited tables for years, and trust me, I can do the job just fine. In my experience, acknowledging that you have a table by maybe... walking near it and checking in on your customer maybe once every oh... 25 minutes maybe? I would have settled for once in a half hour, or even 45 mins, but I didn't get any of it. I had to set out on my own. Now a full hour and a half later, my plate of fruit and yogurt had still not arrived. I was nearing the very end of my patience. Finally my meal arrived. I ate quickly, since I now had less then 15 mins to make my meeting. I asked her for my check when she brought my meal, and it never came. I went to the front, and waited for the manager, who I asked if she could help me get my check. That seemed to get things in order, as it was brought in quick order. The waitress had the nerve to stand over me as I filled out my "tip." The woman was lucky she got anything at all.

This morning I had the buffet.

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