Monday, May 7, 2007

Double Tree Crystal City

Anyway, the low down on my hotel, the Double Tree Crystal City, situated in Arlington Virginia. It's a pretty cool local, really, near the river, and not too far off from the Pentagon. I haven't ventured out into the near by area yet, and I don't plan on it tonight. I might make a go of it tomorrow if I feel up it... but who knows. After my class, I had a headache from processing so much info, that I just didn't feel up for it. Room service again. Not too bad, I've been pleased so far with all the food.

Okay, now to the complaints. First off, when the hell did our nation's capital become ANTI-CIGAR?! not that I've been here a whole lot, mind you... I think this is my third trip, and my first since I've been over 18. Maybe it's just my hotel. There is a smoking allowed bar, but it's not cigar friendly. There isn't even an outside patio section at this hotel. This is a major strike against the ol' doubletree. I tried to have my room moved, but I decided that I wasn't going to give up my suite in exchange for the ability to smoke in the room, since there isn't another suite available. Having said all of this, I must point out that the hotel staff has been nothing but friendly and accommodating, except for this no cigar thing. The bars have some drinks available, and so that's nice. I have located a nice bar with in decent cab distance that is cigar friendly, and they have an impressive bourbon list (and no where on the list is a non bourbon posing as one, so there is hope!) The web link is: Shelly's Back Room

As I said earlier, I hope I'm up for it. If my head is hurting like it was today, I really might not be. I'm just now, 3 hours later, in a mood for anything, and it's too late for me to be heading out into the great unknown that is DC.

Anyway, so there we are. Note in Shelly's drink list, the Maker's Manhattan... can you guess which drink I'll get if I go?

Well, I have "homework" tonight, and I better get to it if I want to be prepared on the morrow.

On a side note, I just realized the Queen is here in DC. I guess she followed me from Louisville. She should be glad she has her own plane, and didn't have to deal with the godforsaken mess that is US AIRWAYS.

EDIT: One thing I have forgotten about this hotel, and I don't know how I could have, is that there is an annoying habit of the doors on the rooms to SLAM SHUT, and it's very VERY loud. There is a room down the hall from my suite, and I'm assuming it's another suite, and there are people coming in and out... a "party" room, I guess. Joy to the world. Hopefully this won't last all night, but it's been going pretty steady for the last hour or so.. or at least they might STOP SLAMMING THE DOORS. I hate to be that guy... but it's getting close. My work is paying for a private suite, and I should be able to reap the benefits of at least a semblance of quiet. I'm getting old, I can feel it... Of course, if there was someplace for me to smoke, I wouldn't even know about this, and there would be no complaining at all.

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