Thursday, April 26, 2007

Blogtastic Return

Well, I've returned to the blog world after a hiatus. This blog will be of a different sort then my previous. Where before I used my blogging platform to shout at the world of my general displeasure and feelings on things, I will use this blog to describe my trips I'll be taking, and my general displeasure and feelings on things.

Normally, I don't usually travel, but for some reason the stars have aligned to make this year something different... I'll be taking a great many trips, each more then a week, and to varied cities across our great nation (the United States, of course). The first two trips on my agenda are to Moline, Il, and then later to Washington DC. I'm currently in Moline, so this first series of posts will be more a review, and not so much a day by day accounting, a format I hope to achieve for my DC trip. I will be taking no fewer then 4 more work trips this year, and perhaps up to two vacations, all of which I hope to review for you.

Anyway, that's the deal with that.

What about me? Me personally? Well, since my profile is private, I'll give you a little back ground info. I'm a 30 year old male, from Kentucky. I'm doing most of my travel for business. I work for a small family owned business (of which I'm part of the family) and I am getting training and certifications for my job. I'm married, which makes traveling alone for these things not much fun at all, and my wife is a nurse, which means she works very long hours, and I don't get to see as much of her as I'd like anyway. I'm newly married, at that, with my first year anniversary coming up shortly at the time of this post. Seeing as I'm from Kentucky, I have a unique world view, as I come from a land that is both Northern and Southern, and I feel that I have many of the best traits of both.

There are three things about Kentucky to keep in mind through out my posts:

We make bourbon. Yup. It comes from my state. When I come into your bar, and ask you what bourbons you have, answering Jack Daniels and So-Co will not earn you points, but in fact will want to make me reach across the bar and smack you (more on this later). My favorite drink is a Manhattan, which while traditionally is made with a rye whisky, most people now drink it with bourbon, which is just fine with me. I find that the finest Manhattans are made with Woodford Reserve Bourbon, but that's just my opinion.

We grow tobacco. Yes, I know this one isn't as popular as it once was. I used to smoke 3 and a half packs of cigarettes a day, and it's a wonder that I haven't completely kicked it already. But I quit smoking cigarettes perhaps 6 or 7 years ago, and now only have the ocassional cigar. But this being said, I am not anti smoking or pro smoking. I'm neutral on the subject as far as the public smoking thing goes.. just as long as no one is telling me what I can and can't do at home. And also on this subject, if you allow smoking, don't give me a dirty look if I'm puffing on Padron. Deal with it.

We gamble. Ah yes, the ponies. What a great thing. The Derby is coming up, and it's going to be nice. In fact, I'll be drinking bourbon and smoking cigars at one of my friends house. What else could anyone want? We are a sporting people, we Kentuckians. The ponies. nice.

So, my glasses have a tint to them that isn't quite understood by the outsider. This, however, is part of my mission. I'll be doing my very best to let you know exactly what I think about the world outside my slice of heaven, and I intent to do so honestly, and with out grudge. We'll see how good a job a do on that. So, with out further ado, I bring you my blog. I hope you tack me into your RSS feeder, and keep up with me. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

Well fuggaduk! Moline is so damn boring you start a new blog?

Unknown said...

Well my bartending skills are bad but not as bad as that. Hey, can I get a John Deere cap??? Miss you lots! Love the teeTee

Snax said...

I'll see what I can do about the cap. Well, Moline isn't really boring... it's just that it's raining, and I am in class from 9 to 5, so there isn't much for me to do. But basically, yes.